RISE Afterschool Program

RISE AFTER SCHOOL currently operates at all Keppel Union School District Schools, starting the first day of the school year and every day school is in session there after.  We serve a supper and snack to all our students, help with homework, and provide enrichment activities like art, STEM, culture, sports, dance, fitness, cooking and nutrition, and much much more!


The program at Pearblossom Elementary operates everyday school is in session from dismissal of the regular day until 5:00pm.


To register for this current school year click the link below to download a registration from and return the completed form to the school office. You may also pick up a registration form in the office if you are unable to download and print the form now. The Site Coordinator will contact you once your form is received.

Registration for next school year is already taking place.

If you have any question please call us during program hours at (661) 644-7208

Photo collage of staff members getting pie faced