RISE Afterschool


RISE After School began in 2009 as a pilot program at Almondale Middle School (now Keppel Academy).  Today, RISE After School partners with 15 California school sites across 5 school districts to provide a safe environment where students receive academic support and engage in a wide variety of enrichment opportunities after school. We offer parent-paid programs as well as programs funded by California's After School Education and Safety (ASES) grants. Each of our programs is unique and is a reflection of our diverse staff and the goals of each school site.   

Attendance Requirements

Consistent attendance in the RISE After School Program is very important. Students attending programs that are funded by California's After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant are expected to attend the RISE After School Program each day that they attend school. Students are expected to actively participate every day. Students who have three (3) unexcused absences may be dropped from the program. Parents are required to contact the Site Coordinator by phone or provide a signed note when their son/daughter is absent from the RISE After School Program.

*Parent-Paid programs do not have attendance requirements

Early Release
Each RISE After School Program begins at the end of the regular school day, operates a minimum of 15 hours per week, and is open until at least 6:00pm. We pride ourselves in creating and offering a safe, engaging, and positive after school setting for students. To receive the most out of their time in the program, students need to attend each day and stay for the full program hours. RISE offers an After School Education and Safety Program, not after school day care. Staff and students are negatively impacted by early departures. In order for students to receive the maximum benefits from the academic support, enrichment activities, leadership opportunities and other program offerings, early release days must be kept to a minimum. If your child has a regularly scheduled weekly appointment, please schedule a time to meet the site coordinator at your school site to discuss the early release policies and procedures.   

*Early Release policies do not apply to Parent-Paid programs.

Student Registration


We are excited to begin a new school year and welcome back the Alpine RISE students.  Click link below to register:

RISE School Programs in the Keppel Union School District. — RISE School Programs (riseafterschool.com)

Thank you, 

Cheryl Morales

Program Manager - Keppel & Wilsona School Districts

email: cmorales@riseed.org

(661) 481-8667

Visit us at:

website: riseafterschool.com

Facebook: facebook.com/riseafterschool2