Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Please get involved in your PTO.
PTOs are nonprofit organizations formed by parents, teachers, and school staff to support their local schools. Whether it is recruiting volunteers to help at the school or fundraising to support programs and activities, PTOs are one way for a community to rally around a school.
As a state nonprofit organization, PTOs can apply for tax-exempt status from the IRS to aid in their mission of supporting their local school. This can help the group raise funds for its cause!
2024-2025 PTO Officers Contact Information
President: Nikki Brady Thorpe
Email: nibrady@keppel.k12.ca.us
Vice President: Valerie Banegas
Email: valeriebanegas920@gmail.com
Corresponding Secretary: Marinett Edmonds
Email: medmonds@keppel.k12.ca.us
Treasurer: Teresa Gallup
Email: tgallup@kepppel.k12.ca.us
Treasurer: David Gardner
Email: davidmgardner80@gmail.com