Special Education: Parent Resources

Parents' Rights and Procedural Safeguards

This notice is provided to you when your child is being considered for possible placement or is currently enrolled in a special education program. This notice is also provided for children who are entitled to these rights at age 18. If your child is being referred for special education and all options of the general education program have been considered, and where appropriate utilized, for your child, you have the right to initiate a referral for special education. 

Parent's Rights-English

Parent's Rights-Spanish

Special Education Handbook - English

Special Education Handbook - Spanish

IEP vs. 504

Both IEPs and 504s can support students with learning and behavior issues. But while they are similar in some ways, they are quite different in others. 

The Difference Between IEPs and 504 Plans

Special Education Eligibility

Special Education Eligibility

Eligibility guidelines provide IEP teams with criteria to determine if a child meets the eligibility requirements for having a disability under federal and state special education laws and regulations.

Child Find

Do You Know a Child with Special Needs?

The Antelope Valley SELPA actively encourages parents or community members who know of a child (birth to age 22) who may have special needs to contact their local school district office. The Antelope Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is a consortium of 10 school districts: Acton-Aqua Dulce, Antelope Valley High School District, Eastside, Gorman, Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes, Keppel, Lancaster, Palmdale,  Westside, Wilsona, These districts work together to provide special education services for students with identified disabilities from birth to age twenty-two. Services are offered in the least restrictive environment in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Once referred to special education, students are assessed to determine the disability and its impact on school performance to determine eligibility for special education services. Students with any of the following disabilities may be eligible for special education services: autism, hearing impaired including deafness, deaf-blindness, emotionally disturbed, speech and language impairment, intellectual disability, orthopedic impairment, multiple disabilities, specific learning disability, traumatic brain injury, other health impairment, visual impairment. The assessment process is followed by an Individual Education Plan (IEP) team meeting, at which parents, teacher, and staff determine eligibility, specific goals, placement, and objectives. Parent permission is required for all Special Education Services. If you have questions, please contact your local public school office or the Keppel Special Education office.

Parent Resources

IEP Binder Checklist 

One of the best ways to prepare for IEP meetings and track your child's progress is to put together an IEP binder. Use this checklist to organize—and update—your IEP binder. Understood.org link