Office Hours

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Contact Information

9330 East Avenue U, Littlerock, CA 93543

Phone: (661) 944-0805

Staff Directory

Dr. Sonia Arnold-DeHay, Director

Blanca Madrigal, Secretary 

Griselda Cruz, Bilingual Clerk

School Psychologists 

Elenie Anteneh

Jasmin Lopez

Daisy Lopez

Yulissa Rojas-Montes DeOca

Isabel Tovar

Lisette Cobian

Speech -Language Pathologists

Jennifer Malechikos, SLP

Special Education

Inclusion through services and support

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Keppel School District to improve, through excellence, the education and quality of life for exceptional children while working collaboratively with staff and families to enhance progress.

The Special Education Department provides services and programs that include academic and behavior support.  We support and serve students and families through a wide range of education professionals, including: special education teachers, adapted physical education teacher, occupational therapist, physical therapist, school psychologists, and speech-language pathologists.

Our multi-tiered system allows for a comprehensive system of differentiated supports that includes evidence-based instruction, universal screening, progress monitoring, formative assessments, and research-based interventions matched to student needs, and educational decision making via student outcome data. Successful implementation and maintenance of a multi-tiered system of supports improves the academic and social emotional outcomes of every student.

IEP Resources

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) agenda is an outline of an IEP Meeting. While all IEP meetings are unique, there are legal requirements regarding the order of discussion items.

IEP Agenda-English

IEP Agenda-Spanish

The IEP Meeting is defined in federal law and state law.  However, the premise and value of assembling an IEP team is bringing together a group of people who are knowledgeable of and involved in supporting a student’s education. The group is assembled to be active participants and to fulfill a variety of roles that are integral in making decisions designed to result in positive outcomes for the student.

Roles and Responsibilities-English 

Roles and Responsibilities-Spanish

Antelope Valley SELPA

AV Special Education Local Planning Area

The AV SELPA and local school districts foster coordination between general and special education for prevention and early intervention of suspected disabilities.  

AV SELPA Community Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting Information

AV SELPA CAC Meetings 23/24 English & Spanish

CAC meeting 9/24/24

CAC Junta 9/24/24 Spanish

CAC Calendar 23/24 Spanish

CAC Calendar 23/24 Spanish

Parent Workshops

Please join us March 12, 2025

Unase a nosotros el 12 de Marzo del 2025