Common Standards
Common Standards Feedback and Response
Standard 1 Response (Vis. Stmt)
Standard 1 Response (div. tr.)
Standard 3 Response (Mtr. Evl)
Standard 5 Response
Standard 1
Standard 2
List of Personnel Advise/Assist
Standard 3
See Program Review
Standard 4
Standard 5
Site Visit Logistics
General Preconditions
Induction Program Preconditions
Candidate Files
Individualized Learning Plans
KUSD Induction Accreditation
Preconditions 2021-2022
General Preconditions Evidence Document
Induction Preconditions Evidence Document
General Statement Applicable to all Preconditions for all Educator Preparation Programs:
Pursuant to Education Code Section 44227 (and 44265 where applicable for Education Specialist Program) each program of professional preparation that leads to a teaching or services credential shall adhere continually to the following requirements of California State Law or Commission Policy. Each institution must respond to the general preconditions as well as all other applicable program specific preconditions.
General Precondition #1: Accreditation and Academic Credit
Application and Academic Credit. The programs must be operated by
Institutions of higher education: A college or university that:
Is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or another of the six regional accrediting associations, and
Grants baccalaureate academic credit or post baccalaureate academic credit, or both and an institution approved to offer educator preparation in California must notify the Commission within 30 days if its regional accreditation status changes.
School districts or other non-regionally accredited entities: The Superintendent or CEO of the district or entity shall submit verification of the governing board’s approval of sponsorship of the program.
General Precondition #2: Enrollment and Completion
Enrollment and Completion. Once a candidate is accepted and enrolls in an educator preparation program, the approved program sponsor must offer the approved program, meeting the adopted standards, until the candidate:
Completes the program;
Withdraws from the program;
Is dropped from the program based on established criteria; or
Is admitted to another approved program to complete the requirements, with minimal disruption, for the authorization.
In the event the program closes, a teach out plan, which includes individual transition plans for each candidate as well as a plan for candidates and graduates to access their student records, would need to be developed.
General Precondition #3 Responsibility and Authority
To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the entity shall provide the following information:
Identify the position within the organizational structure that is responsible for ongoing oversight of all educator preparation programs offered by the entity (including educator preparation programs offered by an extension division, if any).
Provide a description of the reporting relationship between the position described in (a) and individual (s) who coordinate each educator program offered by the entity. If a reporting relationship is indirect, describe the levels of authority and responsibility for each educator preparation program. Include an organizational chart for the institution as well as the division(s) within the institution responsible for the oversight of educator preparation programs; include any parent organization, outside organization(s), or partners(s) who will be involved in the oversight of the educator preparation unit and/or responsible for any aspect of program delivery.
Provide policies to ensure that duties regarding credential recommendations are provided solely by persons who are current employees of the Commission approved institution.
General Precondition #4 Lawful Practices
To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, a program of professional preparation must be proposed and operated by an entity that makes all personnel decisions without unlawful discrimination. These decisions include decisions regarding the admission, retention or graduation of students, and decisions regarding the admission, retention or promotion of employees.
General Precondition #5 Commissions Assurances
To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the program sponsor must:
Assure the sponsor will fulfill all the applicable standards of program quality and effectiveness that have been adopted by the commission
Assure that the approved program sponsor will cooperate in an evaluation of the program by an external team or a monitoring of program by a Commission staff member, and
Assure that the approved program sponsor will participate fully in the Commission's accreditation system, including the timely submission of documents required for accreditation.
General Preconditions #6 Requests for Data
To be granted continuing accreditation by the committee on Accreditation, the entity must identify a qualified officer responsible for reporting and responding to all requests from the Commission for data including, but not limited to, program enrollments, program completer, examination results, including performance assessments, and state and federal reporting within the time limits specified by the Commission. Institutional contact information must be updated annually.
General Precondition #7 Veracity in all Claims and Documentation Submitted
To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the entity must positively affirm the veracity of all statements and documentation submitted to the commission.
General Precondition #8 Grievance Process
To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the approved program sponsor must have a clearly delineated grievance process for candidates and applicants. The grievance process information must be accessible to all candidates and applicants and the institution must be prepared to provide documentation that candidates have been informed of the grievance process and that the process has been followed.
General Precondition #9 Faculty and Instructional Personnel Participation
All Faculty and instructional personnel employed by colleges and universities who regularly teach one or more courses in an educator preparation program leading to a credential, shall actively participate in the public school system at least once every three academic years, appropriate to their credential area. Faculty who are not in the department, school or College of Education are exempt from this requirement. (reference: Education Code Section 44227.5 (a) and (b).
General Precondition #10 Communication and Information
To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the approved program sponsor must provide easily accessible and accurate information to the public, prospective educators, and enrolled candidates about the requirements for admission and successful completion for all its educator preparation programs.
General Precondition #11 Student Records Management, Access, and Security
To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the sponsor must demonstrate that it will maintain and retain student records in accordance with the institution's record retention policy. Institutions will provide verification that:
Candidates and graduates will have access to and be provided with transcripts and/or other documents for the purpose of verifying academic units and program completion.
All candidates records will be maintained at the main institutional site or central location (paper or digital copies).
Records will be kept securely in locked cabinets or on a secure server located in a room not accessible by the public.
General Precondition #12 Disclosure
Institutions must disclose information regarding any outside organizations that will be providing any direct educational services as all or part of the educator preparation programs sponsored by the institution and identify the type of services the outside organization will provide.
Induction Program Preconditions
Keppel Union School District Induction shall adhere to the requirements listed in the preconditions listed below. The program will abide by the requirements of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, In order to sponsor an approved Teacher Induction Program.
Precondition #1
Each Induction program must be designs to provide a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the teacher's first year of teaching.
Precondition #2
The Keppel Union School District certifies that the Teacher Induction program will identify and assign a mentor to each participating teacher within the first 30 days of the participant’s enrollment in the program, matching the mentor and participating teacher according to grade level and/or subject area, as appropriate to the participant’s employment.
Precondition #3
Each Induction Program must assure that each participating teacher receives an average of not less than one hour a week of individualized support/mentoring coordinated and/or provided by the mentor.
Precondition #4
Goals for each participating teacher must be developed within the context of the Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) within the first 60 days of the teacher's enrollment in the program.
Precondition #5
The ILP must be designed and implemented solely for the professional growth and development of the participating teacher and not for evaluation for employment purposes.
Precondition #6
An Induction Program sponsor must make available and must advise participants of an Early Completion option for "experienced and exceptional" candidates who meet the program's established criteria.
Program Overview
Program Review Feedback and Response
Standard 3 Response (Narrative)
Standard 4 Response (Narrative on Mentor Support)
Standard 4 Response (Adult Learning Theory Evidence)
Standard 4 Response (Adult Learning Theory Evidence)
Standard 4 Response (Adult Learning Theory Evidence)
Standard 4 Response (Adult Learning Theory-Impact Cycle)
Standard 5 Evidence (Appeal Process)
Standard 5 Evidence (Appeal Form)
Standard 6 Response (Narrative)
Standard 6 Evidence of Formative Feedback to Mentors
Standard 6 Evidence of Formative Feedback to Mentors
1. Program Summary
1.1 Program Summary
1.1.1 Table of Delivery Models
2. Organizational Structure
3. Qualifications of Mentors and PD Personnel
3.1 Personnel Table
3.3 Published Experience and Qualifications
4. Program Sequence
5. Job-Embedded Fieldwork and Clinical Practice
5.4 Candidate Placement Document
5.5 Induction Program Handbook
5.6 ILP Template
5.6.1 Assessment Instrument- Continuum Grid
5.6.1 Assessment Instrument- Mid Year Feedback Form
5.6.1 Assessment Instrument- Exit Interview Rubric
6. Credential Recommendation