Daisy Gibson's STEAM Vision
The vision of Daisy Gibson STEAM School is that all students will become well-educated citizens who know how to think critically, ask probing questions, access and analyze information, make informed decisions, and contribute positively to their community. By providing Daisy Gibson School students with a strong foundation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, they will develop the valuable knowledge, curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills necessary to excel in school and the workforce of the future. Moreover, by providing opportunities for students to actively engage in the learning process, they will explore new areas, expand their knowledge, increase oral and written communication, and develop the necessary leadership skills that will help them to succeed in the 21st century.
MEEC Student of the Year: Ruben González


Daisy Gibson's STEAM Focus, a grassroots program funded by our school and a generous grant from the Godric Foundation, offers a unique STEAM opportunity to all of Gibson's students in Grades TK-8. Gibson has incorporated Project Lead The Way, a research-based, rigorous STEAM curriculum into grades TK - 8 where students learn the engineering design process and apply it to real world problems. Our students begin with the PLTW Launch modules in grades TK-5. In 6th grade, students learn Automation and Robotics; in 7th grade students learn about Computer Assisted Drafting through Design and Modeling; finally, in 8th grade, our students get a choice between Energy int he Environment or Green Architecture. All of our 8th grade students also take an introduction to a Computer Science course. Mr. John Kell is the Daisy Gibson Coordinator of the overall STEAM Program. Mr. Bryan Johnson is the Coordinator of the Launch Program.
Daisy Gibson believes that students who learn the basics of coding will be ahead of the game and so our students, by the time they promote into high school, will have learned Block, C+, and Arduino programming. Our STEAM Program doesn't end there. We enrich STEAM with carefully selected programs that our teachers mentor and coach after school to students in grades 5 - 8. We offer Audio Visual video/yearbook production, Anime Design, Femineers (Female Engineers), a JV Invent team, and competitions/challenges such as the Lexus ECO Challenge, Girls Build LA, Solar Cook-Off, and more... During 2017-2017, we are adding to the list a Robotics Club and Competitive Team, as well as an Environmental Club.
Through professional development offered by Mr. Kell, Daisy Gibson also does an outreach program to schools interested in STEAM Education. Mr. Kell has conducted multiple workshops on solar energy and how to build solar ovens for the MEEC Solar Oven Cook-Off. Teachers interested in STEAM activities, curricular concepts, or formulating clubs are welcome to contact Mr. Kell. He is more than willing to assist any interested teachers or schools. During the 2015-2016 school year, Daisy Gibson School won the prestigious California Gold Ribbon Award as a CA distinguished school for its exemplary STEAM program.